There are very strict rules about the formatting and the grammar of a dissertation. If you violate the grammar or the formatting rules and guidelines in your dissertation, then you will never be able to get the best grades. Sometimes, there is a possibility that your dissertation will be rejected due to the violation of the grammar and the formatting rules. If you are not able to write a dissertation by following the best formatting and the grammar rules, then you should try to get help from the expert writers of the dissertation writing services. Anyhow, if you are going to create a monument of your dissertation by yourself, then you should try to get enough idea about the formatting and the grammar rules for a dissertation. 
Rules for the formatting of a dissertation

The process of arranging the different sections of a dissertation in the professional format is known as the dissertation formatting. You should keep in mind the following rules while formatting the dissertation;

1) Margins

There should be 1-inch paper margin from the top, bottom, left, and the right sides of the paper.

2) Font type and size

The most commonly used font types are Times New Roman and the size of the font is 12 points. Anyhow, you can also use another font type and size according to the guidelines of your supervisor.

3) Spacing and Indentation

The spacing between the words also depends upon the requirements of your supervisor. Mostly, there is a double-spacing between all the words throughout your dissertation. If you are going to start a new paragraph, then you should try to indentation it by using the “Tab”.

4) Pagination
You should use the lower case Roman numerals for the pagination of all the preliminary pages of your dissertation. After the preliminary pages, when you are going to start the chapters of your dissertation, then their pagination should be started from the Arabic numerals.

5) Footnotes

All the footnotes of your dissertation should be placed at the bottom of the page. There should be a solid line that separates the footnotes and the rest of the text.

6) Endnotes
The endnotes should be written on the separate page. Usually, these endnotes are written at the end of each chapter of your dissertation.

Rules for the grammar of your dissertation

1) There are some students who don’t take care of the commas and semi-colons in their dissertations. After completing the dissertation writing process, they should try to use these commas and semi-colons at the appropriate places.

2) It is prohibited to use the hyphens instead of the dashes and vice versa.

3) After using the different kinds of abbreviations in your dissertation, never forget to identify these abbreviations.

4) There is no place of split infinitives in your dissertation.

5) All the references of your dissertation should be written in a clear way.

6) If you are going to reference a person in your dissertation, then there is no need to use the word “That” for him/her.

7) There is no need to use the passive voice sentences where you can use the active voice sentences.